My research interests are at the intersection of security, privacy, AI. Specifically, most of our research aims at improving the trustworthiness and safety of generative AI systems, as well as investigating the application of AI in enhancing security measures, like vulnerability discovery, static and dynmaic analysis. Recently, my primary research interests are as follows.
1. AI Security and Privacy.
The emerging deep learning technology has been widely commercialized in our daily life. However, it also introduces new security and privacy threats, which could bring disastrous consequences in critical scenarios. Our goal is to investigate the security vulnerabilities as well as defense solutions for various deep learning systems, such as computer vision, natural language processing, reinforcement learning, generative AI, etc. Our recent work has focused on Large Language Models (LLMs), Large Vision Models (LVMs), and Multi-modal Large Models (MLMs). We are interested in the following security problems.
• Prompt Engineering and Safety
• Model Security and Privacy
• Training Dataset Privacy
• Intellectual Property (IP) Protection
• Large Models Memorization
2. AI Safety.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has experienced remarkable growth and innovation, significantly impacting various sectors. However, this rapid development has also led to concerns about potential misuse, notably in the emergence of AI safety challenges. A key issue in this domain is the creation of DeepFakes, which use advanced deep learning techniques to produce highly convincing fake media content. This technology poses significant risks, such as spreading misinformation, identity theft, and manipulating public opinion. As DeepFake technology becomes more sophisticated, identifying and countering their effects is increasingly crucial. In fighting against DeepFakes, we are interested in the following security problems.
• DeepFake Passive Detection
• DeepFake Proactive Defense
• DeepFake Evasion Attack
• AIGC for DeepFake Creation
3. Efficient AI.
While AI models are improving very rapidly in performance, their computing and storage resource consumption is also rapidly increasing. As a response to this, efficient AI becomes a critical fields where researchers are working on creating more efficient, low-resource-demand and energy-saving AI models. Efficient AI will achieve the above goals by improving optimization algorithms, compressing models, and designing specialized hardware. The ultimate goal of research is to create powerful and environmentally friendly AI and make AI available everywhere. We are interested in the following problems.
• Model Compression
• Model Acceleration
[2023.1-2025.12] PI, The National Natural Science Foundation of China. Research on the Key Technologies of DeepFake Video Forensics for Key Figures in Open World Settings
[2021.12-2024.11] Co-PI, The National Key Research and Development Program of China. The Defense and Evaluation Technology for AI Security
[2021.10-2023.09] PI, Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province. Research on DeepFake Video Passive Detection and Proactive Defense
[2021.07-2023.06] PI, The Fellowship of China National Postdoctoral Program for Innovative Talents. Research on DeepFake Video Detection and Provenance
[2021.05-2021.10] Co-PI, The Equipment Development Department of the Central Military Commission. Research on Deep Learning based DeepFake Video Detection
DeepSonar,基于说话人识别(SR)系统(即深度神经网络)的神经元行为监测 (DNN),以辨别人工智能合成的假声音。分层神经元 行为提供了一个重要的洞察力来仔细捕捉 广泛用于建筑的投入之间的差异 安全、稳健和可解释的DNN。在这项工作中,我们利用 分层神经元激活模式的力量,目的是它们可以捕捉真实神经元之间的细微差异 和人工智能合成的假声音,为 分类器而不是原始输入。实验在三个 数据集(包括谷歌、百度等的商业产品) 包含英文和中文,以证实 高检测率(平均准确率98.1%)和低误报 DeepSonar在辨别假声音方面的准确率(约2%的错误率)。 此外,大量的实验结果也证明了其 对操纵攻击的鲁棒性(例如,语音转换和 添加的真实世界噪声)。
在这项工作中,我们调查 现有的基于GAN的人脸操作方法的架构,并观察到上采样方法的缺陷 其中可以作为GAN合成假图像检测和伪造定位的重要资产。基于 在此基础上,我们提出了一种新的方法, 称为FakeLocator,以获得高定位精度 分辨率,在操纵的面部图像上。尽我们所能 知识,这是第一次尝试解决基于GAN的 灰度伪映射的伪定位问题 保留了更多虚假区域的信息。为了改进 FakeLocator在各种面部属性中的通用性, 我们引入了一种注意力机制来指导的训练 模型。为了提高FakeLocator在不同DeepFake方法中的通用性,我们提出了部分数据扩充 以及对训练图像进行单样本聚类。实验的 在流行的FaceForensics++、DFFD数据集和七个数据集上的结果 不同的最先进的基于GAN的人脸生成方法 已经证明了我们方法的有效性。
我们设计了一种简单而强大的方法,称为FakePol-isher,通过 一本学习过的线性词典,旨在有效地 减少在图像合成期间引入的伪影。特别是,我们首先训练一个字典模型来捕捉的模式 真实的图像。根据这本字典,我们寻求表示法 通过线性在低维子空间中的DeepFake图像 投影或稀疏编码。然后,我们可以表演浅 重建DeepFake图像的“无假”版本, 这在很大程度上减少了DeepFake引入的伪像模式。对3种最先进的DeepFake检测方法和16种流行的基于GAN的伪图像的综合评价 伪图像生成技术,证明了其有效性