Two papers are accepted by AAAI 2025. Congrats to
Yihao Huang, Ziyou Liang.
One paper is accepted by IEEE TIFS 2024. Congrats to
Chenhao Lin, Xiang Ji.
"Challenge Cup Announcement Track" (挑战杯揭榜挂帅赛道全国一等奖)
. Congrats to our students, Jiaxi Qiu, Jie Yang, Leyang Wu.
Student achievements: Our undergraduate student,
Weifeng Liu, Tianyi Yu, Yan Cai, Jiawei Liu, won the Second Prize of National College Student Information
Security Competition.
One paper is accepted by IEEE S&P 2025. Congrats to
Boheng Li, Yanhao Wei.
One paper is accepted by NeurIPS 2024. Congrats to
Weifeng Liu, Tianyi She.
One paper is accepted by ICML 2024. Congrats to
Boheng Li, Yishuo Cai.
Student achievements:Yuyang Zhang's project "Secure Black Sample Generation" project (Network Security Phase II Funding) was successfully approved.
Student achievements:Mengjie Wu's project "Large Language Model (LLM) Attack Technology Research" (Network Security Phase II Funding) was successfully approved.
I'm awarded (early) tenure at Wuhan University. I
couldn't have done it without my students, team leader, and family. Thank
you all!
Nov 2023
Our team “DeepRadar” won the Second Prize of "HUAWEI Cup" the 2th China Post-Graduate Cyber Security Innovation Contest (“华为杯”第二届中国研究生网络安全创新大赛全国二等奖). Congrats to our students, Wei Wang, Yuyang Zhang, Ziyou Liang, and Mengjie Wu.
Our team “泰Kun啦” won the Investment Value Award (highest award, award rate less than 0.1%) of the 2023 Cyber Security Outstanding Innovation Achievement Competition (Finals of College Students’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Works) from China Cybersecurity Industry Alliance (CCIA) (2023年网络安全优秀创新成果大赛总决赛大学生创新创业作品投资价值奖).
NSFOCUS will sponsor our research on defending real-time interactive DeepFakes via CCF-Kunpeng funds (CCF-绿盟科技“鲲鹏”科研基金).
Student achievements: Our master students, Ziheng Huang, Jixing Ren, and Yuyang Zhang, won the Nationl Scholarship (Top 0.2% National-Wide).
Student achievements: Our undergraduate students, Boheng Li and Yan Cai, won the Nationl Scholarship (Top 0.2% National-Wide).
Our team “泰Kun啦” won the First Prize and the Most Innovative and Entrepreneurial Value Award (highest award) of the 16th National College Student Information Security Contest (全国大学生信息安全竞赛全国一等奖和最具创新创业价值奖). Congrants to Yuyang Zhang, Mingming Zhang, Jinzhao Lv, and Muyang Li.
One paper is accepted by ACM MM 2023. Congrats to Jixing Ren, Boheng Li, Tianyi She, and Wenhui Zhang.
One paper is accepted by ICCV 2023. Congrats to Ziheng Huang, Boheng Li, and Yan Cai.
Our team “Face-Guardian” won the First Prize (highest award, award rate less than 1.4%) of "HUAWEI Cup" the 1th China Post-Graduate Cyber Security Innovation Contest (“华为杯”第一届中国研究生网络安全创新大赛全国一等奖). Congrats to our students, Ziheng Huang, YuYang Zhang, Boheng Li, and Jixing Ren.
Our team “AntiE” won the National Golden Prize (highest award, award rate less than 0.01%) of the 8th China College Students “Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (第八届中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛全国金奖). Congrats to our undergraduate students, Jiahao Zhou, Boheng Li, Tingyu Luo, Xinyue Zhang, Sixing Lin, Tong Zong, Zhuoyuan Wu, Chang Lu, Jie Xiao, Yiqing Li, Hanrui Yao, Weijing Li, and Fan Wang.
Our team “Face-Guardian” won the First Prize (highest award, award rate less than 1.4%) of "HUAWEI Cup" the 1th China Post-Graduate Cyber Security Innovation Contest (“华为杯”第一届中国研究生网络安全创新大赛全国一等奖). Congrats to our students, Ziheng Huang, YuYang Zhang, Boheng Li, and Jixing Ren.
Student achievements: Yuyang Zhang, Qiqi Lin, Boheng Li, Wenhui Zhang, Yankai Fu, and Tianyi She won the Nationl Scholarship (Top 0.2% National-Wide), Boheng Li was awarded the Pacemaker to Merit Student (三好学生标兵, Top 0.1% in WHU).
NSFC will fund our research on the forensics of DeepFake videos.
One paper is accepted by ACM Multimedia 2022. Congrats to Haoxuan Li and Lingzhou Mu, our undergraduate students.
Two papers are accepted by IJCAI 2022.
Our survey paper Countering Malicious DeepFakes: Survey, Battleground, and Horizon is accepted by International Journal of Computer Vision(IJCV).
Our survey paper Towards a Robust Deep Neural Network against Adversarial Texts: A Survey is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE).
Media coverage: Identifying Deepfake Data Sources With AI-Based Tagging, our work for DeepFake provenance, FakeTagger is reported in English and Chinese.
Our paper FakeTagger: Robust Safeguards against DeepFake Dissemination via Provenance Tracking accepted by ACM Multimedia 2021. The preprint version is available on Arxiv.
I joined Wuhan University as an associate professor.
Our survey paper Countering Malicious DeepFakes: Survey, Battleground, and Horizon that makes comprehensive coverage regarding malicious DeepFakes is available on Arxiv .
Four papers were accepted by ACM Multimedia 2020.
Our paper FakeSpotter accepted by IJCAI 2020.
Media coverage: AI vs AI: ‘FakeSpotter’ Studies Neurons to Bust DeepFakes, our work FakeSpotter is reported by Synced AI Technology and Industry Review!
Our paper SmarPI accpted by TMC.
Two papers published by Journal of Software.
I am working as a postdoctoral research fellow with Prof. LIU Yang at Nanyang Technological University.
I defended my PhD. thesis titled Research on Android Malware Detection and Software Vulnerability Analysis, and now became Dr.!